Fee for navigation aids (T-0) (Art. 237-244)

  • Applicable to: Use of marine navigation aid service.
  • Payable by: The shipowner, shipbuilder, fregiht forwarders and the captain.
  • Payment due: When the vessel start to receive the services in the spanish waters.
  • Amount: Quota = Basic amount (A + C) * coefficient.
    • A = 0,29 €
    • C = 0,28 €
    • E = length (meters)
    • M = beam (meters)
Merchant vessels and all others subject to the vessel fee (A+C) * 0.035 * G.T. The first three stopovers in each natural year.
Ships and vessels dedicated to deep-sea fishing Based in Spanish port: (A+C) * G.T. per natural year.
Ships and vessels dedicated to deep-sea fishing Without base in Spanish port, result of dividing the previous quota by the number of days of a natural year, multiplied by the numbre of stopover days.
Ships and vessels dedicated to coastal fishing Based in Spanish port (A+C) * 50 per natural year.
Ships and vessels dedicated to coastal fishing Without base in Spanish port, result of dividing the previuos quota by the number of days of a natural year, multiplied by the number of stopover days.
Recreational vessels with overall length > 9 m (with motor) or >12m (yachts) Based in Spanish port (A+C) * E * M * 16 per natural year.
Recreational vessels with overall length > 9 m (with motor) or >12m (yachts) Without base in Spanish port, result of dividing the previous quota by the number of days of a natural year, multiplied by the number of stopover days.
Recreational vessels with overall length < 9 m (motor) Based in Spanish port (A+C) * E * M * 40 one-off payment, valid for unlimited period.
Recreational vessels with overall length < 9 m (motor) Without base in Spanish port, result of dividing the previous quota by the number of days of a natural year, multiplied by the number of stopover days.


IMPORTANT! Download payment form BEFORE filling, to avoid errors in calculation. For proper operation, the forms must be completed with Adobe Acrobat.

Forms are only available in spanish.


Self-liquidation Form Rate to deep-sea fishing
Self-liquidation Form Rate to coastal fishing
Self-liquidation Form Rate to navigation of Recreational vessels with overall length 9 m (engine) or > 12 m (yachts)
Self-liquidation Form Rate Recreational vessels with overall length < 9 m (motor)
Self-liquidation Form Rate Merchant vessels and all others subject to the vessel fee