APAC, the Port Authority of A Coruña, in the exercise of its duties as administrator of the rail infrastructure, which were assigned to it in section 39 of Law 38/2015, of 29 September, on the rail sector, and, as the service facility operator, has published a document containing information on the Rail Network of the Port of A Coruña.
Contact of the Port Authority of A Coruña: ferrocarril@puertocoruna.com


Information on the Rail Network of the Port of A Coruña
APAC Railway Traffic Safety Policy
Instruction AC001 – Carrying out Railway Maneuvers in RFPAC
Annex IV to item AC001 on security facilities in the RFPAC
Instruction C002 – Carrying out Work at the RFPAC
Road Release Procedure Form
Scheme of routes and security facilities of the RFPAC
Declaration of self-provision of railway services in the Port of A Coruña
Specific conditions for granting authorizations for self-provision of the basic railway maneuvering service